Sunday, January 17, 2010

Trimming Cat How Do Vets Trim Cat Claws?

How do vets trim cat claws? - trimming cat

I've tried the claws of my cats cut several times and have managed to get a few scratches. So I wonder how veterinarians accomplish this feat ...
And if my cat to the vet, how many ships?


<3 said...

How to cut the claws of cats!

1. Help your cat safe in his arms, his left arm with his paw on his left hand. Perhaps it is easier to first wrapped in a towel with only the outstretched leg. I find it very easy to do, while my cat just relax on its knees
2. Press gently but firmly on the buffer zone extending a claw. It is not necessary to press hard. They (the steps become as one and two days before the royal court of the practice to ensure that you are comfortable in dealing with their paws.)
3. Detail with the claws under the light of the pink areas in the center as a "fast". This is a blood vessel and bleeding, if notches.
4. The celebration of the Clippers in parallel to the flat part of the nail, quickly cut to the Council, while not at the rapid cutting.
5. Providing treatment Kitty and a few good words for a good cat. The more relaxed they are, the easier process.
6. Repeat the previous five steps until you have completed the first round.
7. If your cat is ComfORTABLE continue and complacent, until the nails were cut off on both front feet. In general, the nails are cut again, not necessary or desirable, if the cat is allowed outdoors.


1. Hold the pen or a hairdresser powdered bitter astringent useful in case of accidental cuts to the heart. In this case, the powder is on the nail to stop the bleeding, and call it a day.
2. You may find it easier if you have a second person, with the cat. In particular, it is important that you and your cat will be relaxed as well.
3. If at any time your cat becomes anxious, stop immediately. You can every day, if necessary.
4. If all else fails, ask your veterinarian to demonstrate the procedure for you, your cat or a timetable for the nail clips regularly by a veterinarian or a hairdresser. Most veterinarians will perform this service for a minimum ...

What you need:

* Nail clippers
* Styptic powder / pencil
* Towels
* DEAL Bounty

It costs about $ 10 - $ 15 in most places, but sometimesshould be around $ 20 only if it is a very elegant ... This is cheap and very reliable too, but before leaving your cat can be found in the store to cut the nails of the review to ensure that the results! That's what I do! =)

tmrvt said...

Do not use in equipment that we offer. Everything is the cat in moderation. You can change the owner, what better, because owners are afraid to hurt your kitten. Ensure appropriate restraint for your cat. In addition, owners care about becoming the "bad boy" to her cat. If your cat does not cooperate with them to the vet is better for you and for them, even if it costs money. This is an event much less stressful for you and for cats.

Naru said...

My vet charges $ 12 Do not understand this, however. My cat is usually me clip her nails while she's asleep.

Luvcats1... said...

I have two cats and they tried to cut their claws. You need) behind the head (skin. This is something for the nerves? Then you press a little bit about the claws of a cat with clippers can be rounded into this Wal-Mart.

jewel said...

I cut my cats nails all the time, sometimes I can do all these people, and sometimes only 2 or 3 where to go to be pampered, and then try later or quit the next day. Clippers Get good store of the company, and gentle, quitely talk to him or she needs to push-up platform is not difficult, but enought to get on the foot and keep close to clip it to a vein in the clip, you see, there is no clip or bleed. It would be better if you take the cat to the vet and see how he does, he must show how to do it right before you know it will be a pro. thick, not always without problems Good Luck

jewel said...

I cut my cats nails all the time, sometimes I can do all these people, and sometimes only 2 or 3 where to go to be pampered, and then try later or quit the next day. Clippers Get good store of the company, and gentle, quitely talk to him or she needs to push-up platform is not difficult, but enought to get on the foot and keep close to clip it to a vein in the clip, you see, there is no clip or bleed. It would be better if you take the cat to the vet and see how he does, he must show how to do it right before you know it will be a pro. thick, not always without problems Good Luck

C M said...

They should be reduced only about 10 or $ 11 for her nails.

If you do it yourself, sold a couple of cats to do so. I've seen in catalogs cat.

♥ cat furrever ♥ said...

Vets here 15th in the vicinity charge $ 13 - $ with our first cat, I started at a young age, she let me clip his nails. I guess they bring back talk (with her and say good girl), I manually entered each point and develop each and claw clip with nail clippers. Be sure to clip too far if you do this, cut the quik bleeding and then. I've never cut my nails too close fit. his claws were white and I could see the quik. Now the dog of my mother, I nickk him a few times. the younger you start the more easier it is to escape. Good luck.

cbishot_... said...

Yes trim health-cat claws.

Aquamari... said...

but sometimes a cat, cat does not want B cut yourself!

jackie p said...

depends on what kind of use the mower. Speak with your vet and explain to LL how to cut your nails Cats

jackie p said...

depends on what kind of use the mower. Speak with your vet and explain to LL how to cut your nails Cats

thatJENg... said...

Place a towel on the floor. Next, place your cat's away the towel. Then the cat sat, she kept both feet firmly in the same direction. Wrap the towel around the cat as a writer get for a baby and under the neck to cover her front legs. This will help ensure that the right of the napkin is still the back legs.

royalpix... said...

My cats sit on his lap, face to ... all 4 feet short. I tell them they are sexy. Gently clip of each finger on each leg, while he speaks softly to them. You can not cut .. too short, or there is pain and blood. Never try the claws of a cat pulls his leg cut. Trust is the problem. Start slowly, be quiet. I always tell them, as they are, whom you trust. If you are comfortable with the ... then so do your veterinarian. My cats have always been comfortable ... Face-up on his knees. Patience is the key.

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