Thursday, January 21, 2010

Watcom Tablet Good Software For Creating Japanese Anime / Comic Book Style Animation?

Good software for creating Japanese anime / comic book style animation? - watcom tablet

What to use for a good software for digital animation to create an animation in the style of Japanese cartoons and comics? I have a Watcom tablet and Adobe Illustrator, and I'm a fairly decent anime / comic artist of the individual drawings.

However, wishes that a friend of mine when I was a movie clip with my work to be done. Apart from drawing, frame by frame, like the cell wall of the former, I would like to use the software in May, let me give you the basic drawings and keyframe animation, it is extrapolation.

I know some very simple flash animation, but I want the results as an independent filmmaker, but still less than $ 1,000. I have) access to other programs in digital cinema (Adobe and it would be nice if this unit.

However, all suggestions are appreciated good software for the animation!


answerte... said...

2-D is colored still on the drawing context and in Photoshop. a few liberties with the publisher, but not much. It takes a team of artists to do these things,

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