Sunday, January 3, 2010

Knitting Men When You Are Hand Knitting Boxer Shorts And Socks For Men Can You Watch TV At The Same Time?

When you are hand knitting boxer shorts and socks for men can you watch TV at the same time? - knitting men

I can not say shorts ever made, but if you knit socks are very good for the concentration on them.


Melanie B said...

While on the square in front of the TV all the time. I'm knitting for 3 years and there's not much I can do with my hands. Knitting Television is a good way to get the project finished and on the agenda, while Fav. But knit than people who watch TV (if you are watching TV with other people) do not mind the clicking needles and a model of the hand, and everything I go into the TV room (s) du, then you can while watching TV. Good luck!

Beautiful Brown Eyes said...

Of course, if you are good multi-tasking:)

Beautiful Brown Eyes said...

Of course, if you are good multi-tasking:)

Joe said...

You see itching

Rusty Tool 692 said...

My mother knew, but my wife does not, that's the new era?

princess said...

haha I guess it depends on whether or not the good or creases!

Justin Time said...

What a silly question

Justin Time said...

What a silly question

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