Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dog Bite Insurance Home Insurance And Dog Bite?

Home insurance and dog bite? - dog bite insurance

My beagle-mix dog, 1 years / German Shepard boy in the neighborhood the previous night. The dog was closed and all the shots that bites any other past and surprised me was to do that.
But my question relates to my home insurance. When I get the insurance and had bought the house, no dogs. I have a dog one or two months later. Am I still covered by the insurance?


ernesto_... said...

Some companies limit German Shepherds, but in your case, we speak of hybrids with the story do not bite well when it is doubtful that she wrote the first policy.

However, in most states, the insurer has to discover a window subscription for 60 days, to injury. If you (really get a dog after the policy was in force, and can prove it), then we are not counterfeit. I would bet that cover the insurer.

However, if you claim a dog bite claim, your insurer will drop like a bad habit. For 5 years, the country will write on the lookout for someone touring, a kind of politics at home (assuming) does not release the dog. If I were you, I also with the neighbors, that all of your compensated and apologized to meet freely. I have a muzzle for the dog, I hope to find out my insurance and make sure it never happens again.

ernesto_... said...

Some companies limit German Shepherds, but in your case, we speak of hybrids with the story do not bite well when it is doubtful that she wrote the first policy.

However, in most states, the insurer has to discover a window subscription for 60 days, to injury. If you (really get a dog after the policy was in force, and can prove it), then we are not counterfeit. I would bet that cover the insurer.

However, if you claim a dog bite claim, your insurer will drop like a bad habit. For 5 years, the country will write on the lookout for someone touring, a kind of politics at home (assuming) does not release the dog. If I were you, I also with the neighbors, that all of your compensated and apologized to meet freely. I have a muzzle for the dog, I hope to find out my insurance and make sure it never happens again.

Gary said...

Talk to your insurance agent or pay the medical bills themselves.

Jessica said...

It depends on the cooperative insurance, you should be, but some companies charge more for insureance the petowners. I know most of the companions of the insurance no longer covers any dog for you in the future and bite some co-insurance, you reduce your insurance, even if he refuses to get rid of the dog is too risky for them. You should call your company and ask them about their policies.

Jason S said...

Dog bites are covered in the rule, but according to the company, they may wish to adopt your policy after the payment of debts. When this happens, it becomes very difficult to form a new company, if you will always find the dog. Try as hard as you can stay with that company would be my recommendation.

I have a dog of my own and would never think he would bite someone. Unfortunately, the child is probably laughing at his dog, ruthless and probably enough. It is a difficult situation.

Good luck to you!

FromTheT... said...

Yes, it will be covered. The only way a problem is if the dog is a pit bull or chow, etc., something dangerous (with a history of bite). Then the insurance company may struggle a bit more. However, a dog bite is covered.

(The only case that does not, if you can be assured by a joint.) Ex-US Fund, investment Meramec Valley, etc.

Good luck.

Savannah B said...

Yes, they should be treated, but you will not be extended and unable to find a standard insurance policy to ensure that bites at least the next 5 years due to a requirement of the dog on your file. No insurance will be someone to provide any kind of dog that bite you have never registered to.

I would not recommend anything to ask for his insurance and pay out of pocket ...

ktlove said...

yes, check your policy or representative of this reaction.
No one knows whether it will cover or not, without its politics, and almost every policy written in these days of any liability whatsoever, for animals.

mbrcatz said...

Oh, Bummer.

Yes, if this claim form and / or Sue, you're covered. But the insurance will either get rid of the dog or Cancel maximum.

I hope that the bite is not serious. If the skin is not broken, I think there should be no big problem.

PJ said...

Normally, yes.

Call your company and as soon as possible.

Sue said...

If the dog really is not when they bought the house, and believe me, the company will review these (you must prove that you and whom) do not have a dog and or exclusion of liability for animals can be covered in their policy would . You must provide your insurance company.
If this child on the face or permanent scarring is minimal, it can be a great demand. If you pay your medical bills, you will be granted on the hook for payments in the process. Not to tell you that a claim for injury to pay for yourself to hear it's dangerous to do so and put all their assets on the line.
I would say that your policy require that the dog must be renewed on the policy, can, even if this is the case, he can extend your contract. If you can the dog be brought to his firm to convince you, but you have not been very long with them (it looks like only one year?), As have no history with you as this could be a tough fight. If you are not renewable, youHave difficulty finding insurance other assets pursuant to this claim, even if she gets the dog.
Good luck to you.

FBH said...

I would say yes, but ... Insurance companies tend to pay out anything. Defend your position.
BTW, keep the child from his dog, was probably made fun of him when he was back.

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