Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Free Casino Slots Do You Get Free Drinks In The Casino If You Are Just Playing Slots?

Do you get free drinks in the casino if you are just playing slots? - free casino slots

I know that if you look at the Casino are-coming-game table of girls and drink orders and drinks are free, but must be removed .. Well, my question is whether you sit in the grooves of the will of the people still come to drink and drink orders to be free?


joseph's brain said...

Yes, they are, but they do not tip the waitress decently, is the only drink you receive while in the slot machines. Girls bring you free drinks for years, not subverted $ $.

Here are my tactics. They know that 2 drinks probably cost about $ 10 ... So if the first sample free drinks, the head of the lady, $ 10. It brings you drinks all night, until you're with a stick while you have the top of the next fat.

sny said...

If you have an order and drinks are free.

allybill... said...

Best bang for the buck alcohol?

Nickle slots .... And switches to play 5 cent drinks, the best tip for the waitress.

ladyride... said...

I still have.

brianavg... said...

Absolutely. But the golden rule when playing slots is the tip of $ 1 per glass.

zippythe... said...

Yes, only the tip of one dollar per drink. (If you think a winning streak, which is a little more.) So do I, that by being nice and tipping a little better in my first round ($ 2 instead of $ 1) makes me repeat faster service.

Dave B. said...

Oh, yes.

I sat on the nickel slots at Caesar's Palace and just Nickels plow all night and get free drinks all night.

The work-rates in each casino.

Sucre said...

Yes. and provided the tip. thats how she lives.

Note: The higher the denomination of the slot, see the most frequently a waitress.

Twizz123... said...

Yes Do not forget to also tip. Sometimes you have to write.

...Melis... said...

But you should tip at least $ 1

Friendsh... said...

Completely FREE! Everything you need to do is sit in a machine and you can get a free drink. You should have at least $ 1 tip. Sometimes I do if I'm not playing, not even ... lol

mystycal... said...


diggitys... said...

or get free drinks if u play a game

Just Ask said...

When drinks are freely available in the tables and slots.

If you are up to the top and if the most important point to return soon.

Even if you have video poker casinos, most want to play video poker machines in bars. During the game, the bartender will keep your glass full.

Casinos want to drink and be happy, because the more you tend to drink to lose your money at your casino.

In general, for water, bottled water is really nothing to it. That would be why we tend to take home the money that we have to bear.

Have fun and play simple!

mstar_de... said...

Yes ... Give them a good tip, if

teesquar... said...


teesquar... said...


Michelle said...

All drinks (except if you are in the bar itself) in the casinos free - but do not forget to tip. They are "free" indeed.

Michelle said...

All drinks (except if you are in the bar itself) in the casinos free - but do not forget to tip. They are "free" indeed.

♥Twinkle... said...

Yes, but all the "drinks" are watered down and the lack of alcohol.

MAXIMUS said...


Tommy said...

The liberal tendency which should be more expensive than buying drinks at the bar. Tip less than expected, and will not return .... Guaranteed.

Zippy said...

You should too cute

johnnybi... said...

I have found in the casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and yes, you were given free drinks if you sit at a one-armed bandits. In addition, I have found in the casinos in Pennsylvania, where you'll pay for alcoholic beverages (even if the slot machine), but also for recreation.

johnnybi... said...

I have found in the casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, and yes, you were given free drinks if you sit at a one-armed bandits. In addition, I have found in the casinos in Pennsylvania, where you'll pay for alcoholic beverages (even if the slot machine), but also for recreation.

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