Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When To Stop Taking Pregnacare Plus Omega 3 Is It Ok To Continue Taking Pregnacare Plus Omega 3 Vitamin Tablets After 12 Weeks?

Is it ok to continue taking pregnacare plus omega 3 vitamin tablets after 12 weeks? - when to stop taking pregnacare plus omega 3

Ive been taking these vitamins for a while pregnacare while maintaining the TTC. My doctor told me to stop taking these tablets after 12 weeks (now 5 weeks 3 days), but the instructions inside the package said that the fine to take during pregnancy and to the "breastfeeding.

Who's right? "What do / did you do?" Thank you!


magic_pi... said...

pregnacare a round tablet is designed to all the vitamins and minerals you need to give during your pregnancy, until the breast. only the folic acid is not necessary, after 12 weeks, so his doctors advise you to stop, because there is no need to take. if I am under the pregnacare that the extra iron, and thus benefit both you and baby. I have during my pregnancy and my doctor told me that they can do.

Alfredo E said...

There's nothing like a balanced diet and in these days, unless you eat organic, unprocessed foods, fruits and raw vegetables and good protein.

I do not know your Pregnacare, but I know that Omega-3 supplement is most important, you should (3000 mg fish oil per day, I hope, molecularly distilled) to the future child the opportunity to race without some drawbacks launch. His health depends on the brain.

Is very important to be informed, even if your doctor decides otherwise. 3. Remember that the cause of death in American medical errors, believe or not.

Alfredo E.
www.peinado de moda.com

emsie said...

Doctors generally believe that if you eat properly is not necessary to take vitamins. Doctors suggest that folic acid be taken within 12 months. pregnacare contains a good level of that.You can continue to drink. Volume pregnacare more omega-3 during pregnancy and my baby is fine.you is necessary to keep an eye on the amount of vitamin A to do, if I remember correctly also pregnacare not contain vitamin A. Not So eat liver or fish in abundance.

Presea said...

This should be a question to ask your real doctor, but I have taken vitamins pregnacare since last year. While it contains a balanced diet containing fruit and vegetables, protein, calcium, there should be no reason why you take, should be continued.

beaut said...

While the full and very good for your baby, when all their supplies of vitamin A that you should be up to 12 weeks because it needed the most important time for the baby, and folic acid supplements throughout but to someone who is not crazy good luck xx vitamin

~♥~Bella... said...

I want to follow what your doctor says you can not get a second opinion from another doctor or a nurse. I am sure they are good because they are vitamins, but just to be on the safe side, ask someone else.

~♥~Bella... said...

I want to follow what your doctor says you can not get a second opinion from another doctor or a nurse. I am sure they are good because they are vitamins, but just to be on the safe side, ask someone else.

Mommy of 2 boys said...

I am inclined to listen to the doctor who knows your situation. Prospectus. There are prenatal vitamins specially for you threw the pregnancy.

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