Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vicodin Itching Does Vicodin Cause Itching?

Does Vicodin cause itching? - vicodin itching

I was recently diagnosed with kidney stones. The doctor prescribed vicodin for pain. If you have any medication itch for hours. This helps with pain, but help is better than no help. Itching although it is difficult. Suggestions?


Austin G said...

Yes, yes. Vicodin will give the effect of morphine, itching, because it is done with an opioid. Kidney stones are not fun, and the pain is extremely difficult to isolate and treat. Not much you can make the itching, unfortunately. Furthermore, the advice of your doctor and follow the prescribed treatment.

tchlmcc said...

There are 2 common problems caused by drugs, nausea and itching. If you opium causes release of histamine into the bloodstream of the quasi-allergic reactions.
You can try the non-sedating antihistamine, Benadryl, which works much better, but he is too clever (and in conjunction with the opium is worse). If it is difficult, your doctor may prescribe a short course of prednisone pills, but more than likely, it's a pain, because everyone else does not necessarily respond in this way.

**** If you receive at any time, shortness of breath, a life-threatening event, and you must immediately Emerg for adrenaline ****

Boogie said...

You may be allergic. I do not know Vicodin. It makes me so bad, even if, as revenue before. I always wonder Percocet. It is much better.

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