Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bicycle Severe Disabilities Should My Dad Sue The Other Party Of An Accident In Which He Was Severly Hurt?

Should my dad sue the other party of an accident in which he was severly hurt? - bicycle severe disabilities

My father was hit by a truck while driving on a bicycle. He lay in a coma for more than a month, doctors say he has severe brain damage. I was just in the police report clearly states that the pipe is to blame. What can we do to help my father? Any help is appreciated, thank you


Obamaven... said...

Contact a personal injury lawyer.

Obamaven... said...

Contact a personal injury lawyer.

Obamaven... said...

Contact a personal injury lawyer.

Obamaven... said...

Contact a personal injury lawyer.

AndyF said...

Contact prior to a lawyer. You can work their research on it. Go through the police report, and interview people who were with the driver before the accident. Memories fade and stories change as time passes. Prosecutor may prepare a detailed report by an expert in the accident, but they need to examine the scene today.
You do not have to wait and see on the medical findings of injuries to his father. I think that severe brain damage, said enough to get to know you and so long and hard.
Best wishes for the healing of your father.

whitefan... said...

At this stage an application is several steps ahead of you. If the other driver is insured, it is possible to obtain a fair settlement by insurance, without trial. He did not even know enough to determine what a whole lot. Is it likely to arise from a coma, and if so, what harm it? What care is needed? Years or for life? You have to keep track of one year or more if necessary. Nothing is won by noise things. The priority now is to make it for the recovery of his father, then determine the extent of the damage. Once that's done, you can proceed to deal with insurance companies and speak with personal injury lawyers.

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