Saturday, February 6, 2010

Michael Jackson Son Vitiligo MJ Questions, Another Rumour?

MJ questions, another Rumour? - michael jackson son vitiligo

There are rumors that have the oldest son of Michael Jackson (12), Prince Michael II, vitiligo, developed his father. MJ I know that the discussion is old for some, but I find it really interesting that these rumors are pictures of some backup.
Here is the article, with photos, take a look. ...

Do not you think?


Yellow Submarina said...

Why not? Poor child, already the subject of gossip and tabloids. When his father was still alive, these children were a bit more secure (if possible to be).

Well, if it turns out that Michael the biological father of at least one child, it's nice to know that he put his DNA on the left.

Meggie said...

Yes, I do.
Some people say that only people with dark skin can get vitiligo, but not rude. My aunt is a white to white, and she did. I even have a few spots on the arms and hands, and I am white bones.
This proves what I always said that children are biologically Michael!

Break of Dawnie ♥ said...

Oh My .. This is the first time I heard about it ..

I do not know know exactly what to believe, but the poor boy. : (I hope and pray you do not about the garbage that is known to the media that Michael go .. it is like living through hell, if you have one.: (

נєѕѕ|мנ яσcкѕ му ѕσcкѕ ♥ said...

: O!
Well, there are indications ...
I hope not, but death is vitiligo?
How to kill you?
But although Prince Michael Go Michael same color?
: (X

Bad™ xD said...

Yes, I know.
Most people can get vitiligo, and I know know that some people had.
But it is Michael's son)

MEG J said...

I've done it, I was looking for a picture of Debbie Rowe and look exactly the same marks all over his face before Debbie, the pictures of their

dave y said...

interesting ..

Pictures of her hands a little something to show, ...

Jade ♥ MJ said...

I do not think before ratification.

:(mj said...

Poor guy: (

mekablu said...

OMG !!!!! Having these photos, MI at a loss for words.

Stephanie M With A Child's ♥ said...

OMG .. I hope you do not have to go when Michael, which has done well.

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